
帕特里克·B. Armknecht CPA, CITP 
约翰J. 腰


在商业中,一切都可能发生变化. 今天的尖端解决方案将成为明天的遗留系统. Embracing digital modernization isn’t a choice; it is a necessity to optimize your business 流程, 改善客户体验, remain agile and be competitive in an increasingly global and interconnected digital world.

而接近数字习惯依赖人, 流程, 和技术, today’s environment requires a more sophisticated approach that allows organizations to move faster and with greater confidence. 

SD数字团队帮助组织评估目标, efficiency and effectiveness of existing 流程 and develop strategic, transformative solutions that allow organizations of all sizes to find a better way for organizational competitiveness and stakeholder experience.

准备好开始? 联系SD数字团队 让我们知道我们能帮上什么忙.


If your organization is currently experiencing one or more of the following events or challenges, 我们的数字化现代化解决方案可以帮助:  

  • Untimely or inaccurate operational or financial information to make informed business decisions
  • Multiple locations lacking standardization or alignment of best practices
  • 大量使用Excel来处理报告数据
  • 收购或剥离
  • 增长速度超过了当前的融资能力
  • 管理层的重大变动或重大的员工流失
  • 接班人计划
  • 控制环境失效或变化
  • 人员配置或成本削减计划
  • 最近的欺诈或会计错误
  • Significant control deficiency, material weakness or concerning management letter comments
  • 一个或多个新系统的实施
  • 效率低下



Our solutions help organizations modernize their technology using an agile, user-centric approach. 我们帮助客户采用以经验为导向的, 以结果为中心的战略,富有商业头脑.

  • 数据可访问性和可靠性 – Improve visibility of data and ensure completeness and accuracy of data utilized in financial reporting. 
  • 员工敬业度 —减少不必要或冗余的任务, 让员工专注于高附加值的活动.
  • 加强现有软件的使用 – Maximize existing investments and strengthen 流程 by identifying unutilized or underutilized features and functionality in business applications.
  • 改进的报告和分析 - Improve timeliness and availability of financial and operational reporting and analytics to better support business insights and decision-making.
  • 风险降低 – Eliminate control gaps in 流程 and strengthen audit trails for compliance and regulatory requirements.
  • 降低成本 – Save time and money by releasing employees from non-value-added tasks and replacing point solutions with robust, 多用途的解决方案.
  • 增加收入 -获得更好的流程可视性, 发现新的增长机会, and take action on patterns and trends that would have otherwise remained hidden.
  • 精简及标准化流程 - Reduce process inefficiencies and create additional efficiencies through automation, 标准的操作程序和培训.
  • 改善客户关系 – Develop a deeper understanding of the customer experience and make informed decisions regarding habits, 产品和bet9平台游戏的交付, 和支持.



SD数字 helps organizations translate technology to transformative change and realize the best version of themselves. 带着前卫的帽子和数码镜头, we empower organizations to realize the art of the possible with the power of digital through business-focused 和技术-enabled solutions, 建立在对实用性的坚定承诺之上, 上市速度和用户体验.

更多信息请访问我们的专题 施耐德唐斯数码 呼叫或联系团队直接在 (电子邮件保护).







“我们对这种关系非常满意. One-off project and/or consultancy work sometimes feels a bit overpriced which is the reason for the "sometimes" answer to one of the questions."

"SD has excellent technical skills as well as an excellent understanding of our business. 我们可以开诚布公地谈我们的生意."

"We have always received an extremely high level of service from our team at Schneider Downs. After almost 40 years, it continues to be a valuable partnership for our group."


"I have had great experience working with the SD professionals on sales 税 matters, 会计技术, 一般10-Q审查协助, PPP贷款减免, 等."

“我在施耐德唐斯的经历一直很好. 过去的18个月, 同时体验新冠肺炎的多个方面, 施耐德·唐斯团队一直都很出色. The frequent consultations, CFO forums, sharing of best practices, 等. has provided excellent benefits in a unique and unpredictable environment. More than providing necessary services, they are a terrific resource for our institution.

"I believe SD brings quality talent to our projects and they are well worth the price we pay!"


Identified a $900,000 税 credit, nearly twice as much as prior years.

Carley Taslov Shares Her Insights with ABC News 7 on the Impact of the Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse on Consumers

Shareholder Carley Taslov discusses the potential impact of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse on the regional supply chain and consumers.

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Shad Fagerland加入SDAdvantage Retirement Solutions

匹兹堡, PA-Schneider波动, 公共会计60强之一, 税, 和商业咨询bet9平台游戏公司在美国.S.,最近委任了

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史蒂夫·巴伯, 我们公司匹兹堡办事处的税务股东, is representing Schneider Downs in the 2019 Real Men Wear Pink Campaign. 这个活动

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匹兹堡, PA—施耐德·唐斯, one of the top 60 certified public accounting and business advisory firms in the United States, 很高兴地宣布

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克里斯托弗年代. 麦克尔罗伊将加入史蒂芬. Timothy J . Thompson担任联合管理股东. 锤子将于2020年6月30日退休,施耐德唐斯,全国之一

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Schnider Downs introduces new structure that consolidates more than 80 existing services into an integrated practice.

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Schneider Downs' David Murphy highlighted on Post-Gazette “Ask Me About” regarding the recent ransomware attack that shut down Lincoln College.

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